Three Ways Your Company Can Improve Its Public Image

With the popularity of social media, it only takes a matter of hours for a single incident involving a product or customer to reach thousands of customers or potential customers. If an unfortunate incident has harmed your company's reputation, it is time to take action. Implement these simple tips to help your business improve its public image.

1. Improve Your Social Media Presence

If social media is the vehicle that tarnished your company's image in the first place, it may seem counter-intuitive to spend more time on your various social media sites. However, your social media sites have the potential to reach thousands, or even millions, of customers and potential customers. 

Start by making sure you actively respond to all complaints on your social media pages, no matter how small or frivolous they seem. Not only can you potentially retain a customer, but other potential customers are watching to see how you treat your existing customers. Have an employee actively monitor all of your social media accounts to ensure that no complaints remain unacknowledged. Make sure to also acknowledge and show appreciation for kind social media comments.

2. Cultivate a Healthy Company Culture

One of the best ways to improve your company's image is to start from the inside. If your employees are dissatisfied with their jobs, they will likely share their unhappiness with their friends and family members. It isn't uncommon for specific complaints to even make the rounds on social media, much like customer complaints. However, if your employees are happy with their jobs, they'll tell other individuals about what a great place your company is to work. Their friends and family members will view your company positively thanks to their praise.

A small step that makes a notable difference in company culture is to recognize employees for a job well done. Many times, company leaders focus on what their employees are doing wrong, rather than what they are doing right. Though employees mistakes and issues should obviously be dealt with, make sure that you acknowledge employees who are doing their jobs well.

3. Hire a Communications Firm

If you're having trouble reaching a certain population of customers, communications firms can help you better understand how to speak to this specific market. They can also help you understand what you need to do differently to improve your image with this specific population. Companies frequently have to use different voices and campaigns to effectively reach various groups. The communications firm can assist your organization with tailoring your message so that it reaches and appeals to your target market. 

About Me

New Business Intro: Tips For Getting Started

When my teenage son decided he wanted to start his own business, I wanted to encourage his independence and entrepreneurial drive. Unfortunately, I didn't know the first thing about how to do it or where to start. I spent many sleepless nights researching the small business laws and all of the basics surrounding starting a new business. When I realized how little I actually knew, I decided to create this site and catalog everything I learned. I hope that the information here helps others who have thought of starting their own business but dismissed the idea because they didn't know where to start.

